Thoughts while crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Today

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“Like driving in


the middle of the ocean!”


     What a great place to live – DELMARVA Peninsula.  Unless you count the whole State of Florida as a peninsula, DELMARVA is the biggest peninsula in the U.S., and one of the largest in the world! 

     I just found out a couple of years back that the name DELMARVA is because three states share the one peninsulated space . . . hence, the name: DEL for Delaware; MAR for Maryland; VA for Virginia. 

  • It’s easily a five-hour drive from the Delaware Memorial Bridge between New Jersey and Wilmington, Delaware, to the Peninsula’s southernmost tip in Cape Charles, Virginia. 
  • The Cape May-Lewes Ferry from New Jersey’s southernmost tip to Cape Henlopen (rapidly pronounced K-Pen-Low-Pen), Delaware, home of Lewes (pronounced Lewis), Delaware, the “First Town” in the “First State” in the United States takes 70-90 minutes to cross Delaware Bay at the mouth of the Atlantic. 
  • The Bay Bridge across Chesapeake Bay to and from Annapolis?  Well, that sometimes hair-raising ride can be (almost literally) a breeze, or take close to forever.  

     Delmarva history swirls around Nanticoke and Lenape and “Delaware” Indians, rich and abundant farmland and produce —especially corn, soy, wheat, chickens— and of course, crabs. 

     Recent years will find much ado about the nearly one-mile distance that manmade non-motorized catapults hurl pumpkins in the Annual World Championship Punkin Chu-nkin Contest! 

     And there’s much to explore, from worldclass arts and handcraft shows, golf courses, major horse and car racing events, to minor league baseball and national championship softball, fishing, swimming, boating, boardwalks, and wild pony herds in ocean dunes . . . plus, it seems, every religious affiliation opportunity imaginable.   

     When someone refers to “the Eastern Shore” you need to know where that person is standing.  The Eastern Shore in Delaware is the Atlantic Coast line from Lewes, Delaware south to Fenwick Island.  (And some, I’m told, consider the Delaware Bay coast from Lewes, north to Wilmington The Eastern Shore!) 

     The Eastern Shore in the southern Virginia tip of Delmarva is the Atlantic Coast line from Chincoteague south to the southernmost tip of Cape Charles at the foot of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel.  If you’re in mainland Maryland or Virginia, The Eastern Shore is the stretch of Chesapeake Bay coastline and islands galore from Wilmington south to Cape Charles.

     Enough!  It’s a great place with great people.  Visit sometime!  It’ll make you happy!       halalpiar   

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