Apr 10 2009
Give Your SELF A Chance!
Well, unless you’re a major bank or automaker, you’re probably not going to see much of any meaningful stimulus plan benefits coming your way anytime soon. So, here’s how to make your own: “Your Own Personal Stimulus Plan” requires three things.
All three are FREE (How about that? Not a bad start, huh?).
Okay, the first of these, which you will need in order to make the most of the other two, is best summed up by staying on this same site, different page, and clicking here: http://halalpiar.com/?page_id=35 (sorry I haven’t yet mastered the little techie trick of consolidating this link into one word).
Anyway, you need only to spend 60 seconds on this link page to get it. And–on top of everything else–I guarantee that if you treat the exercise seriously and do it faithfully just 1-3 times a day (for a minute each, even while doing something else!)–in just one week!–you will feel and be happier, healthier, more productive, and have a stronger sense of self-control. You will be more personally stimulated and better equipped to rally your own economy!
What have you got to lose besides stress and upset feelings? I know. Right! And FREE! What more could you ask for? How can I be so sure? Because it’s worked for 20,000 out of 20,000 people I’ve taught it to who have treated it seriously and who have done it faithfully.
Let go of doubt, skepticism, dubiousness (now there’s a word!) and just allow yourself to be receptive for 60 seconds. 6 0 S E C O N D S !!! Your age and level of health have no bearing on effectiveness here. Give your SELF a chance to be and feel better every day.
Okay, now comes the second and third things (you thought I forgot?). These may be even easier now that you’ve mastered the first. Here’s the “Personal Stimulus Plan” deal:
Go find yourself some person who is younger than 7 years-old and spend an hour with her or him…listening, singing, dancing, playing, whatever floats this youngster’s boat. Get down on the floor (or at least eye level) and enjoy the company. Be sure to listen 80% of the time! Learn something from this child, and learn something about youself in the process.
Next (and this need not be the same day, but as soon as possible afterward): Go find yourself some person who is older than 80 years-old and spend an hour with him or her…listening, singing, dancing, playing, whatever floats this oldster’s boat. Ask questions. Listen. Get into her or his “head space” and enjoy what you experience as you learn something new and as you learn something new about you.
Take the new stimulated you to work and watch what happens. It’s not, btw, a bad idea to give this little plan legs every quarter, every month, even every week.
OPEN MINDS OPEN DOORS! Happy Entrepreneuring!
Good Night and God Bless You! halalpiar