May 18 2009
(business or otherwise)
What do others say
you’re selling?
Think of every half-truth you tell (business or otherwise) as throwing a shovel full of dirt up out of the hole you’re digging for yourself! And now that you’re imagining yourself down in that hole, you might want to consider how many more shovels full it will take before the sidewalls start caving in around you.
Yes indeed, there are times when the truth hurts, you might say to yourself, as reason to avoid dealing with it. But you know what? NOTHING hurts more than a lie (business or otherwise). This, by the way, is not just one-on-one, person-to-person we’re talking about here. Many businesses lie to the public! (And we know about the track-record of government.)
“Harrumph! Not me or mine,” you say. Ah, but perhaps some service you engage is lying FOR you –sort of “on your behalf”– and it never really occurred to you to call their hand. After all, they’re professionals (and probably charge professional rates!) and certainly they should know where to draw the line…the ad adgency, the Internet marketing firm, the PR and sales consultants, the lawyers.
Are your marketing, advertising, promotion, merchandising, packaging, sales training, Internet activities, public and community and industry relations being created, prepared, produced and delivered by “outside” sources?
Do these people really understand your business and what you need to communicate to the rest of the world? Do they care if they err on the side of exaggeration on what they believe or tell you is on your behalf? When was the last time you gave your advertising messages a lie-detector test?
Am I trying to make you neurotic? No. Is it important to do periodic reality checks with your outside services? Yes! Why? Because –in the end–YOU are responsible. Sure advertising and public relations firms carry certain liability issues on their shoulders, but frankly, they are much more clever at avoiding trouble, covering up trouble and bailing out of trouble.
Just as “sales” runs through the blood of your business, walking a thin line is the mantra for many outside agencies and consultants. Many often make their names and reputations on how close they can come to carrying or suggesting off-color, bad-taste, or politically-inappropriate (to your business) campaigns and themes…or making promises you can’t deliver!
Why? Because being over-the-top can win them awards that they can self-promote to get more higher-paying clients. It’s all part of “the ad game” and “the PR game” and the “Internet and SEO game” and like the tango, it takes two. Periodic reality checks and reviews of vendor integrity can save you money and reputation.
Odds are 100 out of 100 that your customers buy integrity. Integrity is doing the right thing even when nobody else is looking! Are you? Are those who work for you?
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Send your input anytime: (”Businessworks” in the subject line) or comment below. Thanks for visiting. Good night and God bless you! halalpiar # # #
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