Oct 08 2015
DAY 24 – 30 Days To The New Economy
Your Role In History As An Entrepreneur
(As in “Department of YOUR Internal”)
Adapted from the book 30 DAYS TO THE NEW ECONOMY written and published by Peggy Salvatore
At the outset, most people will start their business with investor or personal financing. In short order, a viable business in the New Economy will generate revenue.
Revenue generation is the money you bring in from customers for your products and services. While you won’t necessarily run your business from customer revenue from Day One, you should be able to do so within a few months.
With a:
- Global online business, you need to find a way to validate payment in a form that is recognized on both sides of the transaction. Because your business is global and virtual, your revenue will ideally be global and virtual too. The issue of valid payment for revenue generation is part of building the infrastructure for the New
Economy. This issue begat payment forms like bitcoin.
Ultimately, the New Economy will form the basis for a global currency simply because it makes sense. When global business was conducted only among large corporations or a limited number of globe-trotting individuals, currency exchange was somewhat cumbersome but manageable. In a commerce system where individuals are trading among each other constantly, a common global currency makes common sense.
- Global currency is one of the hot potatoes that causes governments and political interests enormous discomfort for reasons that go beyond our scope here. But let me suggest here that, just as commerce led the way to break down barriers among different people as merchants set sail for spices in India and silk in China, global Internet commerce will trump parochial interests as the new entrepreneur needs to find a way to receive payment from customers.
- Global pricing is a tangential issue to global payment. Pricing (a function of marketing) is often locally controlled and regulated especially in certain industries. Products and services on the Internet eventually will create an environment where value is rationalized across economies as the world merges into one seamless trade opportunity.
- Global trade does not have to be a hot potato, either. But for the reasons that are beyond our discussion here, the opportunity to expand commerce and increase opportunities for human beings everywhere will eventually defuse those issues. A global currency doesn’t have to be a painful dislocation but rather it can occur as a slow, organic and natural progression of the growth of human knowledge and potential. Forays into bitcoin and similar ideas demonstrate the process.
As noted earlier in this series, war is historically the way that humans have expanded their influence. The emergence of a global merchant class slowly but constantly changed the tools of influence expansion from blunt-edged brute force power to soft economic power expanding among individuals. The individual entrepreneur with access to global markets and interconnected billions of people will complete this transition.
The need for a medium of:
- Global exchange among individuals trading on a global basis will have effects far beyond the practical solution of making value connections using a common currency.
Remember DAY 4? The Arab Spring in Syria? Humans connected with humans who connected the dots. With the incentive of global markets for individuals, expect global currency and further breaking down of barriers among humans. Stay the course. It will take courage!
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C’mon back MONDAY 10/12 for Day 25 —
You got the spunk. You got the ideas. You got the
money. You got the marketing. You got the contacts.
But do you “Got The People”?
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For more information on Peggy Salvatore’s book: 30 Days to the New Economy [© Peggy Salvatore 2015. All Rights Reserved.] click on ENTREPRENEUR NEWS or visit ow.ly/RysnP for the E-book
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Hal@Businessworks.US Peggy@Businessworks.US
Open Minds Open Doors
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