Oct 12 2015
DAY 26 – 30 Days To The New Economy
Your Role In History As An Entrepreneur
Adapted from the book 30 DAYS TO THE NEW ECONOMY by Peggy Salvatore
After yesterday’s discussion of human capital, it is on to a discussion of the more traditional role of capital as assets in the form of buildings and machinery.
Large office complex workspace will not disappear, but a lot of new entrepreneurs (like Internet Joe) will find they can start with a home or garage-based office . . . or perhaps need even a lot less real space (like a tabletop) for an online business.
Successful businesses
will always need an official location.
Growth makes an official office site important. If a business is largely virtual and run by a team that is scattered in offices throughout the world, home offices may suffice as ground zero.
Even small entrepreneurs would do well to consider temporary or flex office space for an official address and, more importantly, to take the business up a notch.
When a young entrepreneur has assembled a team around him or her, it is best to co-locate everyone to gain the benefit of team thinking and creative brainstorming.
So, even office-based online small businesses gain value from official office space.
Beyond the small online entrepreneur . . .
Your small business may require more than a few desks, computers and routers. Your idea may require lab space or assembly and warehouse space. At some point in your growth, expect that warehouse, transport and meeting space may be required. Plan for growth in your financial projections and that includes physical commercial space.
Customers of global businesses in the New Economy still expect to see a real street address with a GPS location.
A location grounds you
and makes you more real for your virtual customers.
While buildings and machinery are still an integral part of business in the New Economy, they just don’t take center stage anymore.
Physical building spaces and machinery needs are now smaller, more compact, more flexible, leased, and temporary. Remember that as an entrepreneur in the New Economy you are always ready to pivot.
Whatever it is, if you can do it here, you can usually do it there as well. The difference is that while your physical presence gives weight to your enterprise, your physical building and machinery presence won’t weigh it down.
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C’mon back TUESDAY 10/13 for Day 27 —
Okay, so you can communicate. So can bumble-bees (better even, in fact, than humans). Let’s assume you are up to bumble-bee standards and can make your point clearly, listen carefully, provide great feedback, and that you go beyond bees to be able to write/compose perfectly. What’s your communication plan?
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For more information on Peggy Salvatore’s book: 30 Days to the New Economy [© Peggy Salvatore 2015. All Rights Reserved.] click on ENTREPRENEUR NEWS or visit ow.ly/RysnP for the E-book
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Hal@Businessworks.US Peggy@Businessworks.US
Open Minds Open Doors
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