Jun 05 2016
“FEARLESS!” The Musical Business Lesson 1
Business Lesson #1 from FEARLESS! The Musical . . .
“Nothing Is Ours But Time”
Song Title From: “FEARLESS The Golden Love Musical” ©2016 Valerie Connelly and Nightengale Media, LLC.
So, how do you make the most
of what time you have left when you
don’t know how much time you have left?
If you’re in your twenties or thirties and have been thinking you have plenty of years ahead to spare, you may want to do some googling on the subject of reality. If you’re lucky enough to still have a living grand- parent, you may want to solicit some of her or his ideas about “time.”
Or—like many (perhaps most) corporate and government executives —in case you thought that your long-range business and career plans will actually work, you’re probably wrong.
And unless you’re in a “first responder,” scientific research, or space exploration position, you’re likely to discover at some point that the plans that work best are almost always those that are informal, immediate, initiated with reasonable spontaneity and constantly adjusted “on the fly.”
Because “Nothing Is Ours But Time,” . . . and GOOD LUCK! with trying to hold back time or make that clock stop.
When you trust yourself to be fearless, to act (instead of pretend, instead of talk, instead of endlessly analyzing the data), you make the most of the time you’ve been gifted with.
Even when it turns out to be wrong, some action is always better than no action. Taking steps forward increases your odds for success.
Taking action also increases your odds for success of one thing you care most about: to make a difference with your life!
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