Mar 16 2010
If Einstein
had been Alaskan,
would he have been
wearing your shoes?
In finally getting around today to Sarah Palin’s best-selling book, Going Rogue, I was reminded early on that US Secretary of State William H. Seward bought Alaska from Russia in 1867 for $7.2 million (or two cents an acre) . . . well over half a million square miles (589,000 in fact) of mostly rugged (and then considered useless) wilderness.
The unpopular purchase was publicly mocked and anointed as “Seward’s Folly.” But Seward, it turns out, had uncommon vision and great foresight.
Decades later (and now, of course, the 49th State), Palin points out that Alaska ultimately produced colossal amounts of “gold and oil and rich minerals, along with the world’s most abundant fisheries.” She notes that Seward was “posthumously vindicated, as purveyors of unpopular common sense often are.”
Let’s flip this historical tidbit into your own backyard, and explore what we learn.
You run your own business. You have some terrific common sense ideas that you’re convinced can boost your business (industry, market) sky-high. But your family and your (formal or informal) advisory board considers you borderline crazy? They all agree that your newest business idea is too radical and far beyond having a realistic chance for success?
You respect and trust their judgment and recognize that they have your best interests at heart, but — in the end, no matter the circumstances– your gut will prevail. Why? When none of them share your instincts, why? Because none of them are in your shoes. In fact, if they really were in your shoes, they’d be running your business instead of you.
You got where you are because you have an entrepreneurial instinct, because you took reasonable risks, because you weren’t afraid to take up an unpopular cause that you believed in, because when others got too rigid or too flighty with their leadership, you always clung to using common sense.
Q. So how do you fly forward in the face of headwinds that seem determined to take you down?
A.The same way that you’ve done it before: forcefully AND gracefully (yes, both can work together). You need to move upward and onward in the directions you believe are right, but not at the cost of the input, insights, and guidance from those you honor and rely on.
Claiming that if humans could use 100% of their brainpower, they would be able to separate molecules and walk through walls, neuro-scientists have further speculated that even Einstein never used more than 10% of his brain. (Whew! Imagine what percentage of brainpower each of us not-quite-Einstein-types use?). The man himself was often quoted as having said all we ever have is limited knowledge.
Okay, so limited common sense knowledge triggered by gut decisions. Sounds like a plan. Actually, it sounds like every successful entrepreneur who ever lived, from Henry Ford to Bill Gates. Measuring the Alaskan past and considering your present state of “craziness,” one might very well conclude what most of us know but most of us forget:
Forward motion as a human being and as a business leader
is always about having the courage of your convictions.
Just look around once to confirm that, then look inside your SELF to ignite what you believe in.
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