Apr 14 2009
Sorry, political types,
“hope” STILL is not the answer!
I’ve had some flack lately about my “Hope is not the answer” messages. It seems a certain leftcoast-leaning political influence has gotten it’s ignorant, indignant, screaming self in an uproar over my having committed blasphamy because “HOPE” (combined with “CHANGE”) apparently continues to entrench itself as the rally cry of our profoundly inexperienced and badly misdirected federal government.
I find this odd since never–in the history of the world–has HOPE created CHANGE.
Hope SOUNDS good if you’re a politician (it just won a campaign!) or if you’re an out-of-touch religious leader (or a professional athlete; I hear lots of them respond to interview questions with “Hopefully…”). But as truth will have it, this line of thinking, dear business owners, operators, managers, and entrepreneurs, is a crock!
It is unrealistic to the core. Nothing creates change except action!
Nothing that’s “hoped for” happens without action. A “hope” is a wish. “When you wish upon a star…” is great stuff for kids, but it isn’t going to pull America out of the economic tailspin. Hope and wishing are NOT believing.
Believing instills action. And only ACTION by small businesses can straighten our crooked path. Small businesses, entrepreneurial ventures and entrepreneurial spirit with ACTION platforms and agendas these leaders, these catalysts of change, can believe in, are what hold the key to financial recovery and growth.
If we can get government to stop mollycoddling equally-incompetent corporate giants and start providing real, tangible job creation incentives to small business, we will actually have a chance to survive and thrive. Are you truly a leader or truly a follower?
Will you pick up your phone and leave a message for your government representative that you favor REAL small business job creation incentives over corporate bailouts? Or will you just mosey along to another website, another blog, another email? Hmmm?
Good Night and God Bless You! halalpiar