Dec 07 2011
Lazy Learners
Leaderless government has laid the trappings for America to become a nation of scholastic sloths. And John and Suzy Q. Public have bought into the time drift. What’s the impact on business?
Be honest: When did
you last read more
than 18 pages of a
book… any book?
I guess this factoid is less astonishing to most people than it is to me and other authors who share head space in the sand: The highly reliable SPR (Self Publishing Resources) reports (bullet-point number 30) that their studies and research show “most readers do not get past page 18 in a book they have purchased.”!
You’re in business and wonder about impact and impressions that add up to a book purchase in the first place? Go back to that same list and check out bullet point number 22, which reports that average bookstore browsers will spend 8 seconds looking at a front cover and 15 seconds scanning the back cover.
Now I find these little tidbits of news — the products no doubt of fastlane lifestyles and lazy learning attitudes– to be outright shell-shocking! Growing up, I remember book purchases as major events and what seemed like the threat of going straight to hell for not reading even a miserable book all the way to the end. Yes, ancient times.
Well, aside from the obvious conclusions to be drawn from these book reading and purchasing enlightenments, that books ARE judged by their covers (and the covers had better be as smashing as the first 18 pages), there is an underlying and discouraging sign of the times suggested that the faster society moves, the lazier it gets.
Is it no wonder that technology advances have rendered us into handheld-device-carrying vegetables with no greater regard for the flow of thought process brilliance than some instantaneous, impersonal, ungrammatical, third-grade reading level txtmsg? Still puzzled why agents and publishers only want to see a writer’s first 20 pages?
How did we get here? Leaderless government that talks education but fails to deliver or understand that self-esteem, authenticity, stress and time management, communication, innovation and motivation skills are what will ultimately determine life and career success. And that these come from reading more than 18 pages of any book.
How do we change that? 1) Work within your business to cultivate these life and career success strengths with training and incentives and support. Nurture and promote take-home values and structures that enable and empower your people and associates to “pass it on” at home and in their communities. 2) Vote November 6, 2012
America’s small business owners make our nation go.
America’s military gives us the freedom to keep going.
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