Aug 09 2010
Belong On Buns
Maybe it’s a friend or relative. Someone who tries too hard to be something she or he is not. A show-off, showboat, hot dog. You like the person, but tire of the boasts, antics, and pretenses. Maybe a Post-it note on his or her monitor with this page URL? You know the type. A small business that represents itself as “full-service,” or a guy (who just walked by) who wants to look like a girl.
Monster corporations, it seems, have caught themselves up in the transgender craze, pretending (not unlike the federal government) to be small business experts (you know which ones). Being “small business experts” simply means they want small business owners’ money. They haven’t even a lick of an idea about how to run or grow a small business. They’re hot dogs!
How many website designers claim to be marketing experts? How many marketing experts are self-anointed copywriters? Optometrists (eyeglass lens and frame specialists) who pretend to be eye surgeons — ophthalmologists — who are medical doctors? How about chiropractors (trying to be specially-trained orthopedic surgeons) who claim to be “sports physicians”? Hot dogs!
Oh, right, while on this subject, there is of course the all-time worst impostor: the dentist who says “Well, I can do that tooth extraction for you.” Uh, sorry, I think if I have to suffer through this event, I’d prefer an oral surgeon. No, this isn’t a disease limited to healthcare. Had any CPAs tell you they could handle your tax attorney chores for you? Or wannabe CPA bookkeepers? Hot dogs!
“This showroom car is nice, but I wanted a forest green model, not a black one,” says the customer. “Hey Harry,” whispers the salesman behind the customer’s back, “turn on the forest green lights, quick!”
Americans appear to have an insatiable appetite for getting ripped off. It’s true that green consciousness, quicker/easier access to information through hi-tech tools, and a continuously miserable economy with no end in sight have fed us all bigger portions of more value-careful, more fully-informed, more dollar-conscious consumerism purchasing decision making . . . but nowhere near enough!
And so there still are legions of businesses out there masquerading as bigger and better than they really are. And professional services are on top of the phony baloney heap! SAVE IT FOR HALLOWEEN! It really doesn’t matter what you’re selling (and EVERY one is selling SOME thing!):
Credibility is king!
Credibility comes from reputation.
Reputation is built on authenticity.
“Hot dogs” belong in buns, not in the office on on
the work site, except maybe at lunch, with mustard. or 302.933.0116 or Hal@BusinessWorks.US
Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You. God Bless America.
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson]