Archive for the 'Politics/Gov’t' Category

Nov 30 2010


Overkill business efforts breed failure . . .









The best creative marketing talent, plans, and campaigns — and the world’s greatest leaders — are born and inspired not by blood, sweat, tears, and insanely long hours, but by focus.


By adjusting the camera or rifle lens, the stage spotlights, the binoculars, the telescope, the magnifying glass, the microscope, and computerized zoom controls, we increase our visual focus for a moment, a few moments, maybe a few hours.

We do the same by adjusting volume, speaker, bass and treble, balance and other media controls to focus our hearing.

Ongoing mental focus, such as that which is evident in literally every leadership or creative marketing performance, is driven by adjusting and channeling powers of concentration.


It is not the product of (pay attention exam-cramming students!) working deliriously through the night, night after night.

Neither is it the product of entertaining others with razzmatazz and razzle-dazzle. (My father used to say, “Don’t give me a song and dance routine; just answer the question!” My father would have made a good Judge Judy.)

Most assuredly, great leadership and great marketing are not the results of political smoke and mirror acts that we see routinely practiced in virtually every local, state, and (especially) federal government-based and corporate giant-based entity in existence. 

Having a true focus means we can “see” and are aware of the actions and influences on the periphery of our focus targets, but that our minds are keenly tuned to the point of what we’re aiming for.


That demands concentration, but it is not necessarily “hard work.” It is what you choose it to be. And ease comes with practice.

Practice? Like what?

  • You’re in New York City? Go sit in the middle of Grand Central Station at rush hour and write a three-page essay about your own leadership challenges and abilities.
  • You’re in Delaware? Go sit in the middle of a 1,000-chicken chicken coop and read and digest and summarize two articles on industry issues that affect your business. (No ear plugs allowed. Oh, and I hope you like feathers!)
  • You’re in Chicago? 1) Get as close as you legally can to O’Hare Airport (Car windows open! Chilly, huh? Dress warm. Bring coffee.) 2) Read and answer three days’ worth of emails on your plugged-in laptop.
  • You’re in San Francisco? (What are you doing there?) Hop on the trolley to Fisherman’s Wharf at lunchtime and –while on the trolley– write (yes, with pen and paper) your own obituary (Now THAT’s an exercise that takes concentration!)
  • You’re in Hawaii? Well, we all know about those cliffs over the ocean, and waterfalls, and . . . okay, you’re not reading this anyway. Aloha to you too!  

You get the idea. Challenge yourself (and remember to breathe)


Here’s the bottom line: Wherever you are, if you’re serious about wanting to radically improve your leadership and creative marketing skills, spend more energy learning how to concentrate and focus.


Uh, you DO remember The Karate Kid movies? Well, pay more attention to yourself and stop trying so hard. Working yourself into a frenzy with busyness that you think impresses others, doesn’t. All it does is blockade others by making you inaccessible to them.

If you’re actually trying to be inaccessible, you are not leader material, you will never be a creative marketing star, and you are probably best suited to run for political office or work in some government or corporate-giant dungeon for thirty years.

Hey, it’s your life! (And odds are pretty good that it will only happen once!) Do you really want to make a difference?


302.933.0116 or Hal@BusinessWorks.US  

Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You.

 “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson] 

Make today a GREAT day for someone!

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Nov 23 2010

SMEs Cornered by Gov’t Healthcare Rapists

Robbing Peter to pay Paul is


not a long-term survival policy!


And here we have the government, forcibly seeking control and injecting its uninformed, inexperienced naivete into private industries.

Here we have federal “leadership” essentially robbing businesses that should instead be receiving tax incentive support to bail out the government’s reckless spending sprees that have accomplished literally nothing except pile up additional deficit burdens.

Once again (or more accurately, “still”), SMEs (Small and Medium size Enterprises) stand quivering on the cusp of business-survival-threatening, ill-conceived, politically-motivated federal healthcare legislation.

This impending healthcare doom affords business owners and managers one of the greatest opportunities for self-destruct since before the Industrial Revolution. But before you jump from the roof, consider how to avoid last-minute meltdowns.

BESIDES the fact that major Medicare funding will be redirected to Medicaid coffers because . . .

(it has been strongly suggested — but not dared to be openly acknowledged — that “Medicare recipients are mostly seniors who will die anyway”)  

. . . the bulk of the program will be supported by contributions from businesses, which will be forced to provide coverage for those who don’t earn it! 


A seven-year-old recently confided that “it doesn’t sound like there’s much care in the healthcare thing!”

Well, there’s most certainly not any “care” for the world of small and medium-size business. Let’s remember, and not incidentally, that entrepreneurial venture job creation is repeatedly pushed to the forefront of economist agendas as the most important key to economic recovery. So why the government’s deaf ear? Politics.

Tax and spend, and more government control, apparently beats life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


So what’s a small business owner to do?

  • First, fight back! Work with other businesses and local organizations to promote the need for government to support meaningful job creation tax incentives for small business.
  • Do everything you can to influence government representatives to repeal the mandated national healthcare plan and to override any veto of that repeal. Support free-market competition healthcare. It’s the only way to choose your own physician and treatment plan. It’s the only way to keep talented physicians working as physicians.

(A 5-star heart surgeon I know is considering being a horse trainer because he can no longer afford skyrocketing malpractice premiums!)

You need a consequence?  You will pay for it

 many times over in the coming years! 

It offers you no benefits.  Is that enough?

  • Second, do NOT rob Peter to pay Paul. Just because Washington is trying to get you to think that way, it is not healthy business. It’s like taking loans to pay back loans.
  • You are playing with fire if you decide, for example, to ante up the no-chance-of-winning healthcare dollars you don’t have by cutting back, for example, on your marketing budget. Marketing is (or should be if it’s not) a bottom line accountable expense.

Marketing is your only chance to drive the business in the front door that the government is pickpocketing the revenues of from you and taking out the back door. At this point, economic survival is all about cash flow. Bring it in faster than it goes out!

If you’re forced to cut, take your scalpel elsewhere! Simple, huh?      


302.933.0116 or Hal@BusinessWorks.US  

Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You,

 “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson] 

Make today a GREAT day for someone!

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Nov 22 2010

Waiting for Events to Trigger Reorganization?

 Merger, Acquisition,




Loan, Record Sales,


Relocation, Fire,


Flood, Robbery, 




Overhaul… New Product,


Service or Market…


Bad Press, Economy, Stress.



How rare it is that small and medium size enterprise owners and managers have the foresight to reorganize their operations proactively. What’s that childhood message we get? “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”? Well, that little rule of thumb might have been a truism when we were kids, but –in case you haven’t noticed lately– the world has changed, and so has business.

The strongholds of entrepreneurial leadership ushered in by today’s technology have actually helped to bring about business and market transformation by practicing the exact opposite credo from what many of us grew up with. Today, entire companies are devoted to the idea that “If it ain’t broke, fix it anyway!”  

And so, for the most part, in entrepreneurial ranks today, it’s the young who are the brave, who take reasonable risks — and who stand alone as representing the only real prospects for reversing our still desperately sinking economy.

But before you go rushing off to do this new jobs stuff, and leaping blindly into some expansion plan that relies on what you are NOT an expert at, remember to“stick to your knitting!”   

Only new and revitalized small entrepreneurial ventures have successfully stood the test of time as the single most monumentally significant source of new job creation.

It is this place alone that the government needs to focus some genuine (more than SBA tokenism) tax incentives to create and grow jobs.

  • FACT: Giant corporations, such as those that received bailout tax dollars, do not create jobs. They have never been a key source for job creation.

  • FACT: New government jobs are not within the legitimate realm of job creation measurement because they are inevitably “favor” jobs that serve little if any purpose, and are –second– paid for with tax dollars, which simply increases the deficit! 


So, what’s one way for an SME management team to deliver a meaningful counterattack on the purveyors of our faltering economy?  

Don’t wait for a major event to trigger reorganizational activity.

The rule here remains to always think first and act second or “Measure twice, cut once!” 

Oh, right, and choosing some action is almost always better than choosing no action.


302.933.0116 or Hal@BusinessWorks.US  

Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You,

 “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson] 

Make today a GREAT day for someone!

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Nov 13 2010


Location Matters Most


to Doctors, Lawyers,


Retailers and Realtors!


Doctors want to be near the hospital or part of a medical complex, or healthcare campus because it’s good for their egos and reputations, professional camaraderie, and convenience in playing the referral game.

Lawyers want to be near the courthouse and close enough to other lawyers to spy on their practices in walking-distance coffee shops and upscale bar-restaurant gathering spots.

Realtors spout out:

“Location. Location. Location.”

(Yes, in three’s in case you missed the 1st or 2nd part of the mantra)


Why? It’s a nifty little subconscious control device for up-selling prospects on preferred (more expensive) commercial properties. Location emphasis also serves to set the stage for a realtor to paint a prettier picture, justify a bigger-than-planned-for client investment.

Actually, retailers (and certainly not all) are typically the only businesses that truly benefit by intensive location deliberations most of the time.

Online and home-based businesses, or manufacturing and distribution entities (that don’t require centralized supply route locales), most service industry ventures (that may need only to be within reasonable travel distance of prospects), can often function anywhere.

In fact, there’s a certain appealing ambiance and character associated with many off-the-beaten-track businesses. Maybe, since you’re an entrepreneurial thinker, you’re one of them?

I’m talking about out-of-the-mainstream locations in dinky little hamlets where you’d never even think of a security system, or trashy chain-link-fence-enclosed back alleys with double-bolted doors.

Maybe your business is holed up in the mountains of New Hampshire, a warehouse in the Red Hook section of Brooklyn, the cornfields of Waterloo, Iowa, a tied-up rented barge in San Diego, a kitchen table in Dallas, or a dilapidated garage in the slums of Memphis.

But regardless of your location, there’s a self-satisfying feeling that the physical space where you do business is your place, and that you make it work.


If these kinds of places even come anywhere near close to your reality (and you’re still somehow managing to survive our catastrophic economy with still rising gas prices and still rising unemployment and a brutally expensive and unwanted healthcare program blocking  business progress), imagine the added burden of some hot-shot commercial realtor’s idea of a prime location you cannot do without.

Who needs the high-rise penthouse office space in mid-town Manhattan or the end unit of that corporate park overlooking the Chesapeake, the New England oceanfront office condo, or those slope-terraced deals with windows facing the Golden Gate Bridge?

Really? Yes, it might be a nice change, but that barn of yours, across two cow pastures, next to the henhouse, works just fine, makes sense, and saves money. Besides, it leaves you still qualifying as a prospect for Extreme Makeover! Hey, y’never know!

Home is where the heart is,

but so too is the office or workspace

of every entrepreneur.


Until this economy turns around (which may yet be another two years), reconsider relocation. Stay where you are. Stick to what you know best and most enjoy doing. Don’t worry about appearances. 

Don’t let outsiders influence you to think you need a bigger, better, more fancy-pants location. It’s not where you work that matters. It’s the passion and purpose you put into what you do each day.   



302.933.0116 or Hal@BusinessWorks.US  

Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You,

and God Bless all of our U.S. Troops and Veterans.

 “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson] 

Make today a GREAT day for someone!

One response so far

Nov 02 2010








Support candidates who will 


implement REAL job creation 


tax incentives for America’s


entrepreneurs, who will step


up to override the President


and repeal “Obamacare” to


establish free-market health


care competition, who will


breathe life into the tax-and-


spend suffication of America’s 


small businesses. 



HELP SAVE THE ECONOMY TODAY! Restore sanity to the tax and spend mentality that’s undermining and strangling America’s small businesses. Vote to move small business forward. History proves at every turn that thriving small business is the ONLY road to a thriving economy.  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ or 302.933.0116 or Hal@BusinessWorks.US  

Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You.
 “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson] 
Make today a GREAT day for someone!

No responses yet

Oct 25 2010




Dear Doctor –

When I wrote DOCTOR BUSINESS© (the book, a 5-star Amazon selection), it was six years before the 9/11 that changed the world. It was at a time when medical and surgical skills were measured by case experience and mortality numbers, not “patient volume.”

Having survived the struggle to be allowed to practice medicine gave you what many called a “license to steal.” 

In the mid-90s, and before that, where you did your internship and residency actually mattered. Public outcries for better bedside manners were surfacing more frequently. The extent of your family’s wholesomeness or dysfunctionality was a much-admired or maligned affair. Your vacations were flamboyant.

With whom you played golf on Fridays was a measure of your community prominence.

You stuck up for other doctors even when they were wrong (and even those you didn’t like). Because doctors then were doctors. And while everyone around you watched and listened to you, even when you least knew it, and whether they liked you or not, you were never disobeyed.

In short, you were God. 


But all that has changed. Now there’s computerized rigmarole, electronic record-keeping, patient emails and texting, Google and Bing. There’s supposed to be less, but it seems now there’s more paperwork.

Your liability insurance premiums could choke a horse. Society’s contentious mindset chews up your precious time (you have no inventory, right?) in legal tangles.

And the bumbling federal government hasn’t even a clue about how to run healthcare, or the need for nurturing free-market competition in order for healthcare to survive as a profession.

Your professional practice and what’s left of your personal life are so dictated by know-nothing politicians that there’s not much room to wiggle free, except onto a shrink’s couch or into an early grave.


Let’s face reality.


Like professional sports, medicine has become big business. The difference is that professional athletes have agents to handle their business needs. You have you, and you never learned business.

Maybe you’re entrepreneurially-minded, but it’s highly unlikely that you ‘ve developed enough expertise in finance, marketing, human resources, management, and customer service in addition to medical skills to make the final cut as a businessperson. Yet you are a businessperson. You might hate it, but it’s who you have to be in order to survive as a doctor.

This means you need to rely on others who are probably not as reliable as you. (Medicine does, after all, teach reliability.)

Here’s the bottom line:

You can find qualified and proven lawyers and accountants and marketing (practice development) experts (and, no, these are not people who deliver subs and popcorn and ethnic luncheons to referring physician offices!), and you can find a good leadership manager type to be your office manager or practice administrator, but if your grasp of human resources and human relations and customer service isn’t working, none of the other business helper arrangements will work.


Concentrate your business learning on strengthening your communication skills.

You don’t need to run for office. You need to facilitate having others run your office for you.   


HELP SAVE THE ECONOMY . . . Support those

who endorse free market competition healthcare 

and job creation tax incentives for entrepreneurs! 

____________________________________ or 302.933.0116 or Hal@BusinessWorks.US  

Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You.
 “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson] 
Make today a GREAT day for someone!

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Oct 20 2010


 The “Inner Game”


of Covering Butts


There are three levels of political “game” playing in every business.


Most productive and well-intentioned among these three levels of business politics are what I call the WHOLESOME game players. Their agendas are comprised of earnest pursuits.

They are passionate about their lives and invested in making the most of their roles to nurture, enhance and grow the businesses that support them. They stimulate innovative thinking and healthy competition. They seek to make a difference.

They are leaders and team-players both. These are invigorating people who enjoy the daily challenges and opportunities of their lives and careers, who share and sweat and sacrifice to make a business work.



On the flip side of business politics are the MANIPULATIVE game players. These are crafty, strategic-minded, self-indulgent “hallway hoverers” and “meeting Marxists.” They carry hidden agendas.

When they’re not busy disrupting or fostering disruption, they lurk in the shadows, watching and listening and figuring out how to fold what they learn into what they can use for themselves. Government and quasi-government agencies are–like tape-edged mattresses to bedbugs–breeding grounds for manipulative games and players

These are insecure people who do everything possible to undermine and inhibit others, who never hesitate to cut quality and value corners, who expend inordinate amounts of time and energy covering their butts, and raising their own flags.



The word of choice here is malleable. It means easily taught or managed (also, easily hammered, which is significant). The MALLEABLE game players are really non-gamers, but will go with the wind as it best seems to suit them on any given day.

They aim to please, but not make waves. In a room full of foul language, off-color stories, sexist or racist remarks, they will quietly nod and smile just enough to not stand out. They will also work their tails off when motivated by a WHOLESOME game player. 

These are the people who comprise the majority of America’s workforce.


Like following the motivational applications of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (by rewarding others at the place in time, and at the level of personal needs that they will most respond to), you –as the business owner or manager– must be a detective to be an effective leader. You need to ferret out those whose self-serving behaviors are threatening to flush away your hard-earned business success.

And, by the way, if your business is still alive and kicking through this pathetic economy, it IS a “success”!

How to get started? If you are in the LEVEL I group above, you are already well on the way.

You would do well though to refresh your brain with some Google or Bing searches of Maslow’s Hierarchy and dig into the structure and meaning of it. Measure what you know about each person involved with you, and decide current need levels for each. Reward their efforts accordingly. Often, a news release or car servicing works better than cash! (And remember that need levels can change daily, even hourly!) 

As you stumble into individuals who appear unaffected by your efforts, spend talk time with them to confirm or deny the evidence. If the investment in getting a person on track is worthwhile, go FOR it. If not, let go OF it!

[If you want a little coaching with this, or have a particularly sticky staff issue, give me a call.]


You can save the economy by helping to move small business forward . . . Support those who support free market competition healthcare and job creation tax incentives for entrepreneurs! 


302.933.0116 or Hal@BusinessWorks.US  

Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You.
 “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson] 

Make today a GREAT day for someone!

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Oct 19 2010

The Post Office Debacle




And NEWSMAX reported this week . . . 

          “The U.S. Postal Service is close to maxing out its $15 billion line of credit with the Treasury and could run out of operating cash by the end of the year. But its contract with the postal unions is preventing the USPS from implementing the cost reductions it needs to get its finances under control.

          “Labor accounts for 80 percent of the USPS’s costs— the Service has the second largest civilian workforce in the nation, behind only Wal-Mart — and 85 percent of workers are protected by the collective bargaining agreement. “The unions have become a giant anchor on an already sinking ship,” Tad DeHaven, a budget analyst at the Cato Institute, wrote in an article appearing on The Daily Caller.

          “Last year the average postal worker received about $79,000 in total compensation, compared to $61,000 for the average private sector employee. But the union contracts “inhibit the flexibility required to efficiently manage the USPS workforce,” according to DeHaven. He cited the “no-layoff” provisions that protect most workers, which forces the USPS to lay off lower-cost part-time and temporary workers before it can fire a full-time employee.

          “Union contracts also make it difficult for the USPS to hire part-time workers, which could result in savings and give managers flexibility in dealing with fluctuations in workload. Only 13 percent of USPS employees are part-time, compared to 53 percent for UPS and 40 percent for FedEx.

          “Despite the USPS’s difficulties, the American Postal Workers Union — which represents more than 200,000 workers — is in contract negotiations with the Service and union chief William Burrus insists a pay increase for his members is an “entitlement.” He said the union wants “more money, better benefits.” DeHaven concludes: “The postal unions are likely betting that in a worst case financial scenario for the USPS, policymakers will tap taxpayers for a bailout. Unfortunately, if recent history is a guide, they’re probably correct.”

You gotta be kidding!

If you own or operate a small business, if you’re an entrepreneur, if you’re an entrepreneurship student, if you’re anyone in business with half a brain, your bowels should be in an uproar about the five paragraphs above.


It’s not only over-the-top insulting to all American businesspeople that –in an economy where business survival is more talked about than business profits, where unemployment, bankruptcies and foreclosures continue to plummet– that ANYone could think like this.

Why haven’t the postal unions stepped up to the plate and taken a responsible attitude and a leadership role in fixing the problem instead of trying to launch it into a death spiral, which will inevitably defeat their own existences as well as others?

And because of  self-serving greed, we stand on the doorstep of incompetence feeding the incompetent with still more government bailouts using tax dollars to save yet another catastrophic failed government business effort.                                                                      

Please remember    

to vote Tuesday, November 6, 2012 or 302.933.0116 or Hal@BusinessWorks.US  

Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You.
 “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson] 

Make today a GREAT day for someone!

One response so far

Oct 14 2010


Does YOUR business


fit this definition:


Agility: being marked by ready ability to move with quick, easy grace . . . having a quick, resourceful and adaptable character 



How does it fit or not fit?


No, this isn’t a quiz. No, you don’t have to turn in any papers. Yes, the two questions represent an important self-inventory that should help you determine the ability of your business to survive the next coming wave of lousy economy.

What? More is coming? Yes, and it will be worse than the last one, and yes (Don’t shoot the messenger!)It is on the way now! 

Like forcing the captain to own up to his miscalculations, and make a rapid course correction to keep the ship from running straight into the cliffs rising up out of the fog, November 2nd gives America’s small business owners a window of opportunity for a mid-course correction.

It’s a chance to adjust the sails of business ignorance that have led our rudderless tax-and-spend economy deeper (almost to the point of no return) into this unemployment-earmarked deficit since November, 2008. 

Oh, excuse me, The Washington Post –alongside it’s recent full page’s worth of attention to Tiger Woods visiting the Cesar Chavez Public Charter School Learning Center he just donated (Imagine that!) and another full page’s worth of photos devoted to a new Supreme Court portrait (Say “Cheese!”)–continues to overtly underplay our near-catestrophic economy.

Juxtaposed with all their Tiger and The Supreme Court (sounds like a hip-hop group)fanfare, the paper devoted only small insignificant attention to “The U.S. shedded 95,000 jobs in September”  (“Shedded”?) and that “Foreclosed properties now comprise 1 in 4 homes sold in the U.S.”

But then, who could expect anything else from such an accomplished, erudite, award-winning editorial staff? Yet, priorities do seem a bit confused, you think?


The point is that the only way to fix the economy is with new jobs created by new entrepreneurial enterprises that have genuine tax incentives (not more meaningless, token, convoluted, SBA-channeled government gobbidly-gook “programs”).

Neither do we need any more bailout billions to be poured into giant self-serving, top-heavy corporations that create near-zero new jobs. 

Ah, and there’s all those wonderful government agencies sucking up taxpayer dollars for politically-inspired nonsense “jobs” that simply serve to compound and expand the deficit even more. Nothing productive is achieved, and none of it helps small business to help the economy.

So the worst case scenario is that November 2nd brings in RE-election of a Congress and Senate and State Governorships, and we suffer through another two years of record unemployment, hardship, bankruptcies, bad credit, and steadily declining dollar value.

Best case scenario for November 2nd, brings in a new wave of government (which will reverse the small-business-destructive Obama/Reid/Pelosi agenda that advances ill-conceived initiatives for healthcare, cap and trade, immigration and more, which will literally cripple small business growth and job creation nationwide) . . . to restore balance to both our economy and our lives.

Even with that, it will be two more years of financial struggle to dig back out.

So hunker down. Foster and nurture agility! Exercise inspired leadership that promotes trust and takes action. Innovate. Innovate. Innovate. And focus every business breath on your customers. or 302.933.0116 or Hal@BusinessWorks.US  

Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You.
 “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson] 
Make today a GREAT day for someone!

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Oct 12 2010

BIG Little Business News

Regular visitors know this guy replaces two who we lost in the last 6 months!

8-Week-Old BREEZY


Here’s the BIG little news… After 9 hours of driving, this little guy (an entrepreneur for sure) has joined TheWriterWorks family. Locating his birthplace (Shade Mountain in Beaver Creek, PA) and meeting his parents (Bichon Frise “Susie” and Sir Charles Cavalier Spaniel “Pogo”), plus sharing the holiday weekend with the world’s three greatest grandchildren took precedent over blog posts.

I decided to give up my dedicated blog-writing time, which interrupted Saturday, Sunday and Monday night posts. Sorry ’bout that, but delighted with the choice I made of how to spend that precious time.

First off, the drive was great, and so was the colorful leaf scenery. Plus guess what? The inspiration that comes with spending quality time with children and with taking some time off from work: priceless.

You know the song, “There is nothing like the real thing, Baby…”? Well, there is also nothing like a “TIME OUT!”

The business of managing personal pursuits is to get the most out of your time away from work. And, in the end, how that time is spent will put you a step ahead of every other entrepreneur who chooses instead to bury her or his self in work, while never lifting his or her ostrich head up out of the sand.

Taking TIME OUT puts control back in your hands and deeply increases your odds for achievement.

True entrepreneurs play

as hard as they work.


But few business owners and managers like the idea of taking that time off. After all, it takes planning. And entrepreneurs hate planning. And trust. It’s hard leaving your business in someone else’s hands — even when you know that person is capable, and reliable, and responsible, because that person is not you, and because it’s your baby. No one else can do stuff the way you can, right?

But there comes a time for

trusting the babysitter.

(And there definitely comes a time to rest and rejuvenate.)


For corporate moguls and mindless government employees who have no greater responsibility beyond earning  enough recognition to justify paychecks, this discussion must feel as useless as a mosquito invasion. But entrepreneurs know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s called resting your brain. And a rested brain innovates like no other. or 302.933.0116 or Hal@BusinessWorks.US  

Thanks for visiting. Go for your goals! God Bless You.
 “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” [Thomas Jefferson] 
Make today a GREAT day for someone!

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