Nov 03 2008
No matter how you feel,
do not give up your right
and responsibility to vote.
Today, Tuesday, November 4th, we name a new leader of the free world.
And tomorrow, the order of the day –and the many days, and perhaps years, that follow– will be compromise.
No American President can ever serve the Presidency as an effective leader without respect for the Presidency from those who are, and who support, the defeated. Why? Because leadership requires cooperation and teamwork to achieve objectives that bring benefit to the majority, including the losers.
So, today, Election Day, is a day of reckoning, but tomorrow and every day thereafter needs to be a day of compromise and acceptance and moving forward using the strength of the best dreams, goals and resources that remain available.
For a future that serves us all, regardless of personal preferences and political alignments, the next four years’ worth of Tomorrows calls for active listening, and patience, and openness, and receptivity from each of us.
It requires that we make the most of what we have to work with and believe in, to achieve lasting peace, meaningful progress . . . and abundance of life, health, wealth, and spirit in the next four years, for ourselves and our families.
It requires that we each reach agreement with ourselves to pursue these values for our children, for our grandchildren, and for preservation of balanced life on this fragile planet.
May God Bless our new leaders and give them the wisdom, vision, foresight and strength to captain our ship through the storms ahead.
No matter how you feel, do not give up your right and responsibility to vote. Halalpiar
Note for my new two-part blog series (Part I tonight and Part II this coming Thursday) on STOP HOLIDAY DRIVING STRESS . . . good stuff for all of us!
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