Archive for the 'Reputation' Category

Nov 28 2017


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JOIN US:  5PM TO 8PM ON 12/12 . . .








     REDISCOVER “The Self-Assured You”…Leave with the steps and focus that win work-and-play championships… Learn  how to improve self-control WITHOUT gimmicks, drugs, diets, headstands, counting to 10, punching walls, or tying one hand behind your back. CLICK HERE to sign up now. 


     NATIONAL business and healthcare award-winning author/ coach/ entrepreneur and twice “Professor-of-the-Year (by student votes at both Pace University and Ocean County College) HAL ALPIAR reveals the key to effective stress management he’s now proven with over 25,000 lives. CLICK HERE to sign up now. 


     UNDERSCORING the value and popularity of Hal’s approach is that it truly does work and that it is both simple and UNNOTICEABLE to others. Because of this last factor alone, there are endless reports of this approach “saving the day” for meetings; interviews; stage and athletic field performances; classroom attentiveness; irate customer encounters; leadership and teamwork development; patient and patient-family care; on-the-spot emergencies; sales presentations; dealing with family upsets; project and relationship management; court appearances; creative pursuits… virtually any emotional or stressful situation. CLICK HERE to sign up now. 


     GET THE TOOLS to use NOW to better manage your business and personal life! Guaranteed Results!. $99. at Foundation Hall on 10th Street, TENNESSEE TECH UNIVERSITY, Cookeville, TN (approximately one hour East on US 40, from Nashville and one hour West of the Crossville/ Knoxville region). Seating is limited and Advance Registration is Required. CLICK HERE to sign up now. 

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Higher impact with Lower costs.

Business & Healthcare Development

National-Awards & Record Client Sales

Entrepreneurship & Expansion Coaching 



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Oct 26 2017

Healthcarepreneurs Survival. Business Sports.

3-Part Workshops with Hal at Tennessee Tech University:



 Survival Handbook for Practice Growth & Development NOW! ©


Seeking to boost patient volume and survive the growing healthcare storms?

Healthcare providers cannot afford to miss this positive-results program:


These 3 connecting 3-hour workshops are born of 40+ years of successful healthcare practice startup, development and revitalization stages consulting and coaching by Instructor/Facilitator Hal Alpiar.

The author of DOCTOR BUSINESS and national book award-winning author of DOCTOR SHOPPING, Hal has designed the three nights of workshop action around his brand new book:



  [Every participant will receive a complimentary signed first edition.] 


ALL Workshop ingredients have been perfected with more than 25,000 participants, including: 

Doctors of virtually every specialty, Dentists, Nurses, Nurse Managers, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Veterinarians, PTs, OTs, Practice Administrators and Managers,  Pharmacists, Practice Partners, Investors, more . . .





Regulations, insurance, financial, legal, patient care and family stress are all likely to get worse before they get better (which may take years). But here are specific proven new strategy and tactics steps you and your staff can take today. 

Get the input you need to minimize and reverse upsets (with all “outside” business and healthcare contacts and interests as well as with  patients, staff, patient families . . . even your own family).


Boost your patient volume in a matter of weeks (perhaps even days) using the proven-most-effective, free-and-least-expensive healthcare marketing tools. When and how to launch your secret business ideas, attract investors and a top-talent (supportive) support staff. 


REGISTER HERE but once you do, BE PREPARED to NOT sit still for each week’s 3-hour session! You are guaranteed the results you seek for your organization, starting the first week of the new year, perhaps even sooner! 

©2017 Hal Alpiar and, LLC. All rights reserved.



3-Night Workshop Set for FEB 1, 6 & 8… 





Is it like synchronized swimming (it looks beautiful but goes nowhere), or roller derby (where everyone runs around in circles bashing each other in the teeth, but also goes nowhere)?


Or does it need to be like baseball (where ANY individual can win ANY game but only with internal support  and competitive spirit)?


Is your work or volunteer Team


addressing what your business or


organization really NEEDS?

Business and organization owners, CEOs, COOs operators, managers, directors, entrepreneurs…

…YOU WILL NOT FORGET this 3-part, firsthand-experience workshop series for enlightening, energizing (and RE-energizing) your leadership and teamwork plans and platforms — using the best of performance rewards, which are neither costly, nor permanent expenses. 



YOU’LL DISCOVER the most effective ways to help others achieve their goals for them-selves as well as for your organization. The best steps to take. The best words to use.


All three sessions are personally facilitated by former renegade-professor-turned award-winning business author/coach/consultant HAL ALPIAR (Shown here with Teammate Breezy), with 40 years —ongoing– of record-breaking client sales creations to his credit. 


You are promised an agenda of productive, fresh, easy, less expensive, less stressful, proven approaches to leadership and team-building that work . . . You’ll get tools to cultivate leaders and stimulate teamwork, producing increased revenues with less stress than ever before!

SEATING WILL BE LIMITED SO SIGN UP NOW (The perfect Christmas Gift for for Business Owners and Managers) 3-Night Workshop Coming to Tennessee Tech University on February 1st, 6th, and 8th. Start 2018 with new team and business-building energy and direction.

Once you register and show up, BE PREPARED to NOT sit still for each Thursday/Tuesday/Thursday 3-hour session!  Follow the input and results are guaranteed! 


Suggested Reading: #1 New York Times Best-Selling Book:  MAKE YOUR BED – Little Things That Can Change Your Life… and Maybe The World by U.S. Navy Seal Retired 4-Star Admiral William H. McRaven


# # #

Open  Minds  Open  Doors

Hal@Businessworks.US      931.854.0474

 PLAN NOW. Make these Tennessee Tech Certificate Programs the launchpad for starting, kick-starting, or RE-starting your business or professional practice… and your SELF… into 2018!



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Jun 03 2017

FWD THIS to your elected representatives!

Dear elected representatives:


it’s NOT  “All or Nothing!”



Progress is measured in increments.

Increments require step-at-a-time management.

As a House or Senate representative, you are not making progress on The People’s Agenda because you are not serving the wants and needs of the people you were elected to represent. And even if you think you are, you’re not because you’re not genuinely working on behalf of those wants and needs. If you were, they would already have been satisfied.

But it’s not too late! Consider the following:

*** Studies of VOTE and NON-VOTE actions and non-actions suggest to many voters that the odds are you       

are preoccupied with your own personal agenda, your own individual needs and desires, and that you are blocking progress with a make-believe “All or Nothing” attitude.


*** Are you kidding yourself into thinking that delays and rejections of step-at-a-time changes will get you re-elected?


*** Are you pretending that every step toward progress requires you to necessarily avoid commitment to get started without unanimous finality?


*** Are you rejecting the wisdom of the Bible, and Einstein, and Thoreau, and other true genius’s who have reminded us that limited knowledge is all we ever have?


*** Are you relying on failed long-ago replaced 1970’s management strategies founded on consensus-seeking  — on safety in numbers– and holding out for something that everyone can at least agree with somewhat?


That kind of posturing, after all, offers protection of one’s hind quarters,

and serves as a platform for rallying the support that you as a politician are likely convinced will get you re-elected.

BUT IS THIS why you were elected  . . . to build yourself into a position you think will best facilitate getting RE-elected?


Truth is that you are far more likely to be re-elected by throwing your wholehearted self into solving the problems    . . . by supporting what the public wants instead of devoting yourself to seeking the spotlight for representing the positions you think will most likely return you to your cushy, high-paying, job.

Take a page from successful entrepreneurs.

Ever-armed with a burning desire to make their ideas work, entrepreneurs are NOT— as commonly (and incorrectly) believed– betting the farm!

Real entrepreneurs take only REASONABLE risks. They are agents of change, not of hot-dogging heroics.

Yet time-after-time, most of those in your shoes take only POLITICALLY-CALCULATED risks.

Politically-calculated risk-taking accomplishes nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zippo. Zero. Make the most of what you have . . . NOT of what’s not here.


Stop being afraid to step up

with just a piece of the puzzle

 . . . instead of standing around and holding out, waiting for others to find the missing pieces. Speak up with what you have because only pieces can create the whole solution. And if everyone else with just one piece is holding back, the puzzle will never be solved.

Repealing and replacing Obamacare is NOT an all-or nothing challenge . . . aren’t there many steps involved? So isn’t it a step-at-a-time process? Can’t you begin by taking a step in the right direction and returning to make it better as another worthy step comes to the surface?

That’s called: GET STARTED and PASS  S-O-M-E-THING that moves us forward, instead of stubbornly trying to grab hold of a tree (or a hand) as you continue to sink in quicksand!

Entrepreneurs don’t succeed by bursting onto the scene and being suddenly thrust into “Shark Tank” spot-lights. They do act quickly (but not recklessly) and they succeed by taking measured steps and building each on the one before it. They don’t worry about what competing businesses are doing; they just keep moving forward step at a time.

And entrepreneurs don’t hope, wish, analyze, or try. They act. They act now, today, this minute. They get the job of taking a step forward done, instead of just talking about it.

Success is FAR more likely achieved with solid stairways than with shaky stockpiling of all the issues until unanimous agreement can be reached on every detail . . . which is how quicksand originates.



Get started!


You can make a difference, piece at a time.

A favorite pastor of mine recently noted that “you can’t build a house in a hurricane!” Waiting for the perfect solution that everyone can agree to is allowing the storm to build and get worse.

First-aid ointment and a Band-Aid is a quick-fix when a cut is bleeding, but they do usually work as a temporary solution.

It’s really okay to take on healthcare and the tax package and the tighter immigration rules with step-at-a-time quick fixes instead of standing around with your thumb you know where until a comprehensive overhaul of each item can be perfected (which may never happen… and then, by the way, where do your reelection prospects stand?).

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Business Development/ National-Awards/ Record Client Sales

Entrepreneurship & Expansion Coaching    931.854.0474

Go for your goals, thanks for your visit, God Bless You!

“The price of freedom is

eternal vigilance!”

[Thomas Jefferson]

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Mar 04 2017

An Open Letter To Mainstream Media…

  Get Over It, Mediafolk!


 It’s time to get back to


 feeling good about what


 puts food on your table!



Dear Mr. and Ms. Mainstream Persons,

In case you haven’t noticed, the rest of the nation is moving on.

To be a more integral part of that progress, might this be a good time for you to start looking for ways to make better use of your time and energy?

It’s obviously hard for you to find a leg to stand on as you continue contributing your talents to your bosses’ lost cause of politicized blaming, manufactured “news,” and borderline slander . . . at the cost of your personal reputation and trust in your judgement.

Most Americans seem to know –frankly– that you are better than that. But you lose favor every day as you continue to test public mettle and sink your teeth into risking your integrity in the process — for nothing!

CONSIDER these three suppositions:

1.   Somehow, or other, you were born and raised to emulate and hopefully become a modern day version of what history has traditionally honored as the “Town Crier.”

2.   Perhaps you stumbled into what you do, but odds are that you were educated and trained to report the news to others who lack that drive, inquisitiveness and skill set.

3.   Somewhere along the road to making a name for yourself, you elected to opinionate instead of report. You made an active decision to be subjective instead of objective.


ODDS ARE you are actively appeasing the misguided media moguls whose money supports you and your family. And your career in that arena has rarely if ever felt truly fulfilling.

I have many years behind me as a news writer, radio host and producer, and magazine editor-in-chief. I mention this only to lend credence. I imagine I’m not too far off in making the assumption that you are selling your soul and boxing yourself into a career corner that (really) makes no sense, and offers no forgiveness.


How to fix it!


First and foremost, recognize and accept that your behavior is (and your career pursuits are) always –first and foremost– your CHOICE! Can you just as easily choose to report fact-backed-and-checked stories as you may choose to fill the gaps with fiction, slander, skewing, bitching and sabotage?

If you actually prefer the latter set of words, maybe you should think about abandoning your beat and, instead, write a novel? I’ve done that too; it’s a much better platform for exaggeration and self-expression.

BOTTOM LINE: The time is NOW to stop berating those who have been thrust into power by the people.

It’s time to recognize and accept reality.

The incessant clouding of news issues (the bias dictated by those who pay your salary to further their own unhealthy practice of  dwelling on the past and worrying about the future) is pulling you away from a present-moment focus and into a fantasy abyss of unprofessionalism.

You have in your hands the glue this nation needs to heal and hold itself together and be strengthened at every level. It’s name is “responsible reporting.”

When you deliver stories without substance, you distance yourself and your thinking from all measure of good taste and reality of life. You set yourself up to undermine yourself and your family’s credibility . . . and turn the enjoyment of pursuit for living a rewarding life and lifestyle, into a struggle.

Are you are risking your very existence and lifestyle to step outside the perimeters of good judgement that your life, until now, has been about?

Take Heart! You still have a chance to turn things around — to distance yourself from the world of irrationality, bad taste, poor judgement and make-believe career pursuits in favor of reality and just plain common sense.

Close your eyes for a minute, take a deep breath and see yourself as the happy, honorable and pleasant person you were born to be.

Surely you can do better. Will you CHOOSE to take that do-better step on your own behalf?

  I, for one, am rooting for you to move onward and upward. Contact me if I can help. Have a great day!

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Hal@Businessworks.US              931.854.0474

Guidance to 500+ Successful Business Startups

Creating Record-Sales for Clients Since 1981!

Open  Minds  Open  Doors

Make today a GREAT day for someone!

 Thank You for Your Visit!

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Feb 19 2017


Are You Paying Enough

Attention to YOU??????

A  C  T  I  O  N  S




First popularized in 1856 by Abraham Lincoln

The expression may date back as far as 1628!

The day-to-day motto of our new U.S. President


But “So What?” you say. “What does all that have to do with ME?”

You already know the answer, but odds are you pretend to dismiss it, forget it, mock it, trash it, or have turned a blind eye to the reality that these five words have, in fact, marked your every accomplishment in life.

So what makes you conveniently forget the importance of ACTION as in getting up off your butt and DOING something instead of just talking about what needs to be done?

I am interested in hearing any good answers to this question, but confidently doubt you can produce even one. Yet you know in your heart that everything you value has come to you as a result of stepping up and out… being assertive (that’s “assertive” not “aggressive”).

Take a one-minute break and ask yourself what it is that you are sitting on, wasting time and energy with (and probably money as well), that can best be resolved by simply taking ACTION? Have you heard that other great expression?:







Where does it best apply in YOUR life? You think it doesn’t? Of course it does. How long have you been standing still?

Formalized goal-setting is great if its underpinnings match the proven-to-be-essential five criteria, but big-time progress isn’t always measured by what you seek.

Ask anyone in public or military service about the values of TAKING ACTION vs. TALKING about it. “Whoa!” you might say, “but (thankfully) I’m not in emergency situations every day.”

Oh, but you ARE.

Do you think it’s not urgent to spend real time with someone you love instead of worrying endlessly about taking a career or business growth step that you fear tripping over? To be clear, this is NOT about Reacting. It is about Responding.

How much of an emergency is triggered by dwelling on “what if’s” instead of simply trying your best-bet idea? Is that more risky than not taking a few hours with your spouse or children? Would your “yes” response be the same if, God forbid, something drastic happened to a loved one to prevent you from enjoying more time together?


. . . in sports, career professions, and business are inevitably those who live as much of the time as possible in the present, in every passing moment, instead of the past that’s over or the future that’s not yet come (and may never come).


They are the people who take the risks of taking action steps (because as Einstein said: “ALL WE EVER HAVE IS LIMITED KNOWLEDGE”) instead of trying to gather every conceivable factoid before deciding, or simply paying lip service, or making excuses, or being “all talk.”


Is it time to stop talking about what


you’re going to do, and just do it?

# # #

Hal@Businessworks.US             931.854.0474

Guidance to Over 500 Successful Startups

Open  Minds  Open  Doors

Make today a GREAT day for someone!

God Bless You and Thank You for Your Visit!

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Dec 26 2016










NOW.  IT’S 2017!!!


And there’s only room for Baseball!                                                                    baseball-1

 What? Why Baseball? Because… ta, ta, ta, ta, tah-tah!… baseball is THE ONLY competitive-physical-prowess-speed-agility-and-psychology sport with no time limits. And 2017 business success demands COMPETITIVE teamwork!

So, baseball has no ending time or closing minutes? Correct, but there can always be extra innings. Extra innings translates to endurance. Show me a business success not built on endurance.

Baseball serves business enterprises best as a teamwork model because teams must work together hard, as a team, to win. BUT, every single team member gets an equal chance to get up to bat and get a game-winning hit every game — as well as make great game-winning plays, with every pitch, every inning!


It’s all about teamwork wrapped around individual performance and a sense of competitive spirit. Yes? Well, how great would that be for your entire organization to practice? (Regardless of draft choice round involved ;)) 

Imagine management and employees supporting one another all day every day, while encouraging each other to rise to the occasion of ongoing conquest because every individual effort can potentially pay back the entire team in the process.

Imagine all individuals and departments involved making a daily practice of supporting and backing-up one another instead of finger-pointing, or making excuses for shortfalls. A dream? Only if you choose to let it be.


You (and your people) can just as easily choose to work together as a winning baseball team as you can choose to keep struggling along as a ragtag collection of aspiring superstars with no investment in the success of others. Oh, and as for critiquing along the way? Criticize BEHAVIOR, not the person at fault!

Even as a single, unified force, this kind of team will fall apart when any individual fails to perform in precision-matching her or his teammates. (Ask any oarsman on any 4 or 8-person crew team what happens when one rower is out of sync by even a second, or raises an oar just inches more than the rest of the team.)

All it takes to make a REAL difference is experienced coaching and training guidance, plus a fresh informed perspective on the best (most appreciated) ways to reward exceptional individual and team performance . . . rewards that do NOT become long-term financial burdens.

If this is a missing link in your organization– old, new, large, small, mid-sized, retail, service, B2B, industrial, sales, professional practice, healthcare– call me. I provide all of these services for fees you can afford now. And results are guaranteed! Ready? Then let’s “PLAY BALL!”


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Coaching for Higher Branding Impact

Business Development/ National-Awards/ Record Client Sales

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Oct 30 2016


“Employee Stress” Blocks Productivity, Vision, Focus & Health, which Costs Employers Over $300 Billion!

 What’s YOUR share?






When is a knot not a knot?  Stress is like that “eye of the beholder” thing. Twenty-five years, for instance, can be forever, or a blink, depend- ing on how we’ve chosen to experience it and how we choose to see it.


Sticking a thumb out to paint scenery isn’t the same as sticking it up to show approval, or down to show rejection, plugging it into a hole to stop a leak, or waving it to hitch a ride.


Neither is twenty-five years of delivering mail the same as twenty- five years of raising a family, or hammering rocks OR tuning pianos, driving trucks, stuffing pickles into assembly-line jars, selling services to corporate muckity-mucks, doing heart transplants, being a techie, running a retail store… OR plucking escargot-bound snails off jagged rocks at low tide.


Yet, we humans do all of these things to earn a living and label them as stressful.


In fact, “most stressful” to you could well be “least stressful” to me, and vice versa. To you, twenty-five years could be an eternity of pain and anguish. To me, it might be a heartbeat of joy. Some may consider it a flash of fantasy.




Or perhaps we’ve chosen to suffer what seems like a permanent backache, endless constipation, depression, addiction, or —the opposite— we’ve cultivated some ever-deepening smile wrinkles by choosing to foster a happy, healthy, productive work-and-home balance.


Every end result gives rise and a clue to the source and choices and choice reversals made or not made all along the way.


Where does CHOICE begin and end? Or does it? Maybe it’s an eternal blanket and functions only when we’re aware of its pervasiveness. Surely it doesn’t float innocuously to our shoulders from the heavens and plot to do us in, even as we sit stunned by its presence, and puzzled by its origin and intention.


But: VOILA! As truth will have it, stress doesn’t come from outside of us. It doesn’t come from other people or circumstances—or from our jobs!


All physical, mental, and emotional stress is inevitably the result of a choice we make or have once made (perhaps within this very minute… or a week, month, year, decade or lifetime ago!). So it’s fair to say we can stop blaming others and circumstances for having put us under stress. We have only ourselves to blame.


But blame doesn’t get rid of stress and may even make it worse.


As we have championed ourselves to “bring it on,” we are equally well-equipped to “let it go.” We need only to:

A)  RECOGNIZE AND ACCEPT that it’s the result of a choice we just (or once) made,


B)  FOCUS OR REFOCUS OURSELVES on the most immediate split-second here-and-now minutes of our lives… our heartbeats, our pulses, our breathing.


When we pay attention to our breathing, our pulses, our heartbeats, we are returning our minds to this very minute, and every passing minute.




Why does this matter? Because stress only exists in dwelling on a past moment (older than a minute, or even a few ticks)… or worrying about a future moment (more than seconds or minutes away) that hasn’t yet come—and may never come!


Simply being aware of this thinking is often enough to make the difference. If you’ve read this far and are not interested in more, at least be interested enough in helping your SELF by trying and practicing these “Are You Breathing?” steps. They work and they’re free!


# # #


Start 2017 SMART. 

 Start with THE 2017-2020 management and staff training and development program:

“MY BUSINESS WORKS” is a 3-part, hands-on, on-location engagement that is Money-Back Guaranteed to make a difference in individual participant commitment and achievement levels, in propelling your business mission forward, and in increasing your sales revenues.

Because these How-To sessions are customized to fit the specific needs of your business, your people, your customers/ clients/ patients, and your sales, scheduling is extremely limited, so act now!

Email Hal today: Hal@BusinessWorks.US or simply call Hal direct at 1.931.854.0474 for a prompt assessment discussion, or to schedule a callback at your convenience. 

[NOTE: Participant ages, educational levels, and physical conditions have no bearing on program content or expected results]

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   Hal Alpiar is a 35-year-experienced professional coach and trainer. A business and career development mentor, Hal actively consults in marketing/PR/sales and stress management. Twice voted “Professor-of-the-Year,” he is also a national award-winning book author and national award-winning branding creator.

Serving clients nationwide since 1981, Hal has helped over 25,000 business and healthcare professional participants in his training programs, classes and workshops, and many more through his published books, articles, and over 1600 blogposts.

 [NOTE: For more details, click on About Hal tab at the top of this page]

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931.854.0474 Coaching for Higher Branding Impact

Business Development/ National-Awards/ Record Client Sales

Personal & Professional Growth/ Creative Entrepreneurial Thinking

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Sep 04 2016

Just who do you think you are anyway?

Today you are you,


that is truer than true.


There is no one alive


who is youer than you


— Dr. Seuss

Youer Than You


“Show me an authentic boss


. . . I’ll show you a winning leader!”


Real. Actual. Genuine. Bona Fide. Not False or Imitation. “Honest-to-Goodness.” Being Exactly What is Claimed. Good Faith. Sincerity of Intention. Legitimate. “The Real Deal.”



     How many of these qualities do you carry in your pocket and empty onto the table when you’re talking, meeting, and dealing with others? How often? How influenced are you by good or bad moods? By past experiences or self-doubts? By your own past or present choices?

     Does it matter whether the “others” are customers, prospects, employees, associates, investors, or suppliers? Does it matter whether you’re on the phone, in person, texting or emailing?

     How much do incidents, environments, and issues beyond your control play a part?

     What is it that you are most afraid of having others you work with, or sell to, learn about the real you?

What’s in the back of your closet

that you’re choosing to put

in the front of your mind

that’s holding you back from

being the up-front person

you’ve always wanted to be?


     Have you made yourself be a victim of circumstances? Is this an identity you cling to?

     This is not some ridiculous Hollywood exposé, or some empty suit government or political probe. This is about you, your business, your daily performance, and the way you “come across” to others.

     Here’s why it matters. When you own or represent a business, the business is an extension of your ego. It is the career stage on which you have chosen to perform. Bowing Cat

     Depending on how true to character you allow yourself to be, and how persuasively you present yourself and ideas, your business will rise and fall with the curtain calls and appreciative audience applause.

     If you elect to play a hard-nosed character, and you’re convincing in that role, you will attract hard-nosed critics and audiences who may not hang around until intermission . . . or who are harder-nosed than you!

     I’m not suggesting you or I or any of us has the ability to simply turn the authenticity faucet on and become (now finally SAINT) Mother Teresa. But I am saying that we all have certain qualities of genuineness as human beings.

     Exercising these strengths of character (in spite of closed closets) will serve to free up unnecessarily-guarded business behaviors and–in the process–open opportunities we may never have thought possible.

     It’s a choice that I can encourage, but only you can make. I urge you to take the risk to rise above your past memories, your own doubts and show more customers, employees, and suppliers more of what the real you is all about. Let them see that they can trust your judgement and earn your confidence.

     You don’t have to “become one of the guys” to let others know that you possess compassion and humor alongside your insightful and visionary leadership. Hey, give it a try. You may even like your self better. Have fun!

# # #



931.854.0474 Coaching for Higher Branding Impact

Business Development/ National-Awards/ Record Client Sales

Personal & Professional Growth/ Creative Entrepreneurial Thinking









One response so far

Jul 03 2016

4th of July Sparklers

Seeking sales fireworks?


Check your sparklers!


star rainbow

Business owners constantly want more sales results than they’re typically ready to put their shoulders to the wheel for, in terms of the marketing words (their “sparklers”) that they use.

The average response to meeting the need for coming up with the right sets of marketing words to represent business products, services, and ideas is a lazy one. Most small business owners, it seems, either wing it to save money, delegate it because they’re afraid of it or want to “give someone a chance”

. . . OR they hire some fancy high-priced group of self-proclaimed experts to get it done.

What works? None of the above.

When you wing it

. . .  it’s like not fastening the screws that hold your product parts together, or not providing the terms of the services you offer. It’s a great deal more than that because you’re dealing with peoples’ brains and that delicate experienced edge of psychological savvy mixed into the creative pot is what makes the difference.

You are not in business doing what you’re doing to be a great marketing writer any more than you’re in business to be a great lawyer or accountant (unless of course you’re a lawyer or accountant!).

So why waste time and energy (and ultimately money) trying to be something you’re not, when you have the option to be driving your business to a successful destination by applying your full resources to operations, finances and sales? Okay, so promise you won’t wing it, okay.



When you delegate it 

. . . you’ll hand it off to that assistant of yours . . . you know, the one who’s always writing some book, or poetry, or funny Facebook posts. When you delegate the task, regardless of what you think might be signs of talent rising up from someone on your staff, you should expect to get the inadequate results you will get.

I can assure you after seeing years’ worth of these dynamics, what you get back will simply not be professional enough a representation of your business strengths. Nor will it be put into the customer-benefits language you need in order to succeed at producing the sales results you seek.

What you get, in fact, could very well end up undermining your other sales-building efforts.

When you hire a fancy group

. . . an advertising or marketing or PR agency — you should know that this choice delivers about 85% odds that the group you hire will be very skilled at not letting you know that they are more preoccupied with winning themselves some type of marketing, advertising or PR award than they are with helping you make sales.

When “getting sales” is what’s important, being “pretty” and having the best designs don’t always count for much.

Odds are also that they will be fantastically talented at not letting on that they don’t really know how to help you make sales. Ask them if they’re willing to work on a expenses plus performance incentive basis. That question usually separates reality from fantasy.

"BREEZY" The Volunteer State's Cutest Patriot on Independence Day !

“BREEZY” The Volunteer State’s Cutest Patriot on Independence Day !

If the words you’re using don’t sparkle enough to spark action, find a wordsmith. Do some homework and scout around for an experienced individual who has a proven track-record in writing words that get sales results. Find someone who demonstrates interest in your business but not an “expert” at it. An expert writer is what you want.

You need fireworks? Start with someone who knows how to spark sales with “sparkler” words . . . words that attract attention, words that create interest, words that stimulate desire, words that bring about action, words that prompt satisfaction. Want an example? Go to:


“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!” 

[Thomas Jefferson]

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Hal@Businessworks.US    931.854.0474

 Open minds open doors.

Thanks for visiting. God Bless You.

God Bless America and America’s Troops.

Make today a GREAT day for someone!

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Nov 27 2015

Making a difference in life

Are You Making A Difference?

Until your life and career purposes are interwoven as one, you’re not

likely to be on the road of making a difference for yourself, or for others.

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Making a difference may not always measure up to what others consider as success, but there’s little doubt that making the kind of difference in life that really matters requires determination, dedication, commitment, stick-to-it-ive-ness, and resolve.

Okay, you may say, that all sounds good, but what does it actually mean for me in my life, in my work?

It means that –no matter how or where you live, no matter what kind of work you do or career you are in or aspire to, making a true difference in life demands that you do the best you can possibly do, and then more and that you never give up your pursuits no matter how many discouraging roadblocks block your path, no matter how many opinions cloud the intersections you come to, no matter how many temptations seem to reach out for you to change your path.

It means that –no matter how you feel when you wake up every morning, no matter how stressed or tired, you must remember that you are the only one who can carry your own torch, who can take steps every day on your own behalf by doing what you do best for others… family, friends, co-workers, partners, customers, clients, patients, community, church, and –of course– pets!

career cycleIs this a diagram to study? No it’s simply a model from which to create your own diagram that fits your own life and career circumstances, but the model does represent the key ingredients most of us need to move forward with and toward on a daily basis to get where we want to go. The circular motion indicated is not to say we should run around in aimless circles; it is to say that this kind of flow awareness is what it takes to make things happen.

As Shakespeare’s Falstaff once said:

“Discretion is the better part of valor.”


In other words, let your daily pursuits be guided by good judgment. And perhaps the most important message to keep in mind — because it literally dictates everything else, every word and every action, is that every behavior is the result of a choice that we make or that we once made. So if everything we say and do today is a choice, then why choose to make things hard on yourself when you can just as easily choose to make them easy, including how and when you deal with others.

choose attitude

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Keep your head cool and your feet warm

God Bless You and thanks for your visit!


Make Today A Great Day For Someone!


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